- Blind Hate also Blind Hatred
- /noun/ a strong, baseless disdain; an expressed hatred held without reason or cause
- acronym for Based On Your Beliefs; safe way to make no assumptions about a reader’s spirituality
- Broke Mentality
- /noun/ the belief that one is destined to work for others or work for money often characterized by careless or frivolous spending; belief that one is expected to be in debt(financially) to a person or an agency
- butt-hurt
- /adjective/ expressing anguish or disappointment that is perceived by others as disingenuous or lame
- Celebrity Worship
- /noun/ deification of a famous person, especially when a personal relationship does not exist
- debash
- /verb/ to defend or accept a belief that one once ridiculed
- double-dutching
- /verb/ dominating a conversation in such a way that other parties have difficulty contributing or jumping in
- Fearmedia
- /noun/ the broadcasting of news in a medium that triggers anxiety, apprehension, or phobic response
- Healthy Communication
- /noun/ the successful exchange or sharing of ideas or information between sender and reciever(s) where all parties understand the information communicated

- Law of Legitimacy
- /noun/ states that that which seems legit must be legit; the rationale whereby a person accepts information at face value i.e. it seems that way so it must be that way; sarcastically similarly to Dr Mark Suchman’s Legitimacy Theory that states “Legitimacy is a generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper, or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, beliefs, and definitions.” Suchman, M. (1995). Managing legitimacy: Strategic and institutional approaches. Academy of Management Review, Vol 20, No. 3, 57l–610.
- nerd-out
- /verb/ to verbally spaz about a personal interest, event, or idea often with an enthusiasm not shared by the audience
- pretend-hurt
- /noun/ fallacious perception of having been harmed by another; display of behavior consistent with symptoms of butt-hurt except that victim has no direct connection to source
- Perpetual Spin
- /noun/ taken from the combined definitions of perpetual motion and political spin, the term describes clever use of a statement that leads observers to dispute, argue, or rationalize interpretations of the statement resulting in endless debate
- Pretty Person Punishment (PPP)
- /noun/ a display of aggression or animosity expressed both verbally or non-verbally to a person who is physically attractive
- Stimulata Persistere
- /noun/ a perceived compulsion for persistent entertainment or external stimulation
- Supported
- /noun/ also known as millennial, person that became an adult near 2000 A.D.; characterized by desire for independent achievement through peer validation, popularity, or support
- Temperament Sensitivity
- /noun/ a high awareness or aptitude of the nature of others; in preconceived behavior
- Temperament Tolerance
- /noun/ the skill to navigate the temperaments of others; the display of patience when faced with one or more personality conflicts
- Theory of Relative Achievement
- /noun/ the idea that one’s singular endorsement of an achievement shields the person’s self-image (self-esteem) from negative impact
- Turning Up Point
- /noun/ a climax in one’s life that produces a significant gain or fantastic outcome i.e. high rise in stocks, lottery win, dream job offer, etc; the observance of such an event
- Word of Click
- /noun/ the condition where a product, invention, idea, through electronic medium, is pertually propelled by its own popularity i.e. shares, likes, views, etc; when a for sale product goes viral
- Wreaders
- /noun/ a term for friends, fans, and followers of content created by Michael Wright for website mikewriting.com
When I want to write things, my threshold for finding a definition for something is probably 90 seconds of searching and less when I’ve asked someone verbally because I want to record thoughts as soon as possible to make more room up there. I’ll go as far as making something up to keep the boat floating. Plus all words are made up anyway. #plusthat
I will link to where the word or term is used on the site. If there is no link, there is probably something in draft.
I love learning. If you know a better term, tell me in the comments.